Regional and Zone Coordination Offices

There are about seven Regional and Zone Coordination Offices throughout the country. Despite we couldn’t be able to establish a zone coordination office in most areas, we are committed to providing the necessary support and assistance needed by the coordination offices.

Local Churches throughout the country are organized in zones and forums to support and serve them closely and effectively as follows.

Addis Abeba and the surrounding zone (AASZ) Coordination Office Office located in the capital city, Addis Abeba. The AASZ coordination office, including local churches in Addis Abeba, is responsible to local churches located in Finfine surroundings zone, West Shoa Zone (Ambo and the surrounding area), and South West Shoa Zone (Woliso Surrounding Area).

Coordinator: Pastor Aklilu Adefres
Telephone: +251911611389
Addis Abeba Ethiopia

East Shoa and Arsi Zone Coordination Office is located in Nazreth/Adama City and responsible to Churches in Nazreth/Adama City including East Shoa Zone, Arsi Zone, and Awasha Sebat-Kilo (Afar).

Coordinator: Pastor Tadesse Alemayehu
Telephone: +251911614175
Nazreth/Adama Ethiopia

Southeast Ethiopia Zone Coordination Office is located in Shashemene Town. It is responsible to Churches located in Shasemene including West Arsi Zone, Bale Zone and some parts of Somali Regional State  .

Coordinator: Pastor Abebe Hunegnawe
Telephone: +251911714978
Shasemene, Ethiopia

South Ethiopia Zone Coordination Office is located in Hawassa City. It is also responsible to Churches in Sidamo Regional State, Borena Zone, Moyale and Churhces in some parts of Somali Regional State.

Coordinator: Pastor Behaylu Beriso
Telephone: +251911544942
Hawassa, Ethiopia

Southwest Ethiopia Zone Coordination Office is located in Wolayeta Sodo City. It is also responsible to Churches in Wolayeta Zone including Dawro Zone, Gamo Gofa Zone, South and North Zone.

Coordinator: Pastor Chachi Eshetu
Telephone: +251912225698
Wolayeta Sodo, Ethiopia

Eastern Ethiopia Zone Coordination Office is located in Harer City. It is responsible to Churches in Harer City including Dire Dawa, Jigjiga, Hamaresa, and jarso.

Coordinator: Pastor Mesfin Beyene
Telephone: +251910582420
Harer, Ethiopia

Tigray and Neighboring Regions Zone Coordination Office is located in Mehoni Town. It is responsible to Churches in Mehoni Town including Tigray, Afar, Amhara Regional State, and Semen Wello Zone.

Coordinator: Br. Telahun Abebe
Telephone: +251932331559, +251966292469
Mehoni, Ethiopia

Qelem Wollega Zone Coordination Office is located in Dembidolo Town and responsible to Churches located in Dembidolo.

Coordinator: Pastor Daniel Tadesse
Telephone: +25191784866

Dembidolo, Ethiopia