The Ethiopian Emmanuel United Church was born from the Ethiopian Orthodox traditional Coptic Church as a result of a God-initiated national movement of reformation throughout the nation for the first time in the history of Ethiopia in 1988s.

Following the fall of the Derege Communist government, followers of the Orthodox Church returned in great numbers with devotion and hunger for God. This has resulted in the strengthening of Sunday Schools as well as the daily regular evening gospel meetings. Small groups like Tsewa Maheber have also flourished.

Soon, we began to ask questions like how to get saved, what about Jesus, and so on. The discussion about these vital questions has become our primary concern and we become skeptical about the teaching of the church and the lifestyle of the priests. The setting as well as the stage for revival has been prepared.

Finally, the Lord has enlightened our hearts to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Since then, the Lord is no longer distant. We started calling his Name as My Savior but not only the Savior of the World. The death and resurrection of Jesus is no more a creed but it has become life to us. We were so excited by this experience of a new birth. We had started singing new songs in its content and style as well which has brought us close to God. Our hearts becoming warmer day by day due to the love of God.

We have all started preaching the good news among the Sunday school students in the church. These things were not liked by the authorities of the church. They were also threatened because of the nature of the movement. Persecution broke out in the Coptic Orthodox Church and we had officially been excommunicated from the church.

This reform movement which was taking place all over the country joined together to establish the Emmanuel United Church of Ethiopia with the spearheading role of Nazareth Reformed Group, in Nazareth/Adama Town located 100 km away from the Capital City, Addis Abeba.

Through persecution, tests, and trials, the establishment, and joining of new reformed groups has continued to the planting of local churches, which are now about 680 local churches and 544,000 followers of Jesus Christ throughout the country. This has been the main source for the Ethiopian Emmanuel United Church growth in the County.