Pastoral Directorate

The Pastoral Directorate Office at the Head Office facilitates and follow-up the local church pastoral activities as well as provide training and appointment of Pastors. The Pastoral Directorate has also a marriage and family department, and Children and Youth Department to support and provide assistance to local churches throughout the country. There are about 350 appointed Pastors and 2720 full-time evangelists serving God’s Kingdom under the auspice of Ethiopian Emanuel United Church.

Since the Church applies Pastoral leadership, the Pastoral Directorate under the Head Office strives to have spirit-filled and effective Pastors in the local church leadership position. For the last 10 years, for instance, the Church has appointed more than one hundred Pastors for local churches while continuing to develop and appoint Pastors for the remaining local churches. The Directorate also provides short term training to Pastors to enrich their leadership potential.

In addition to assigning a Pastoral Coordinator at the Head Office, Regional and Zone Coordinator offices have been established to closely follow up the overall wellbeing of the local Churches. Even though there are limitations to open regional and zone coordination offices in all locations of the country, we are striving, by all means, to provide all the necessary support through the existing coordination offices throughout the country. Besides, the Church is providing great emphasis to family services so that an office with a responsible person with spiritual burdens to support the family has been established.

Descipleship, Servant and Leadership Development

Besides gospel outreach and planting local churches, Ethiopian Emanuel United Church strive towards developing firm believers and followers of Christ in their life. The church will also provide consecutive education and training for discipleship, pastoral, and leadership development to foster servants to be approved unto God’s Kingdom workmanship.

Between the year 2006 – 2013 more than 750 leaders have been trained and graduated in diploma program through Emanuel United Theological College and its campuses established by the Church. Currently, 500 ministers are attending both Degree and Diploma programs in addition to those 50 leader ministers who have attended various Theological Colleges and graduated in-country Degree Programs. The Church has been worked its ministers to attend the Master’s Degree program abroad even though they are few.