Pastor Getahun Tadesse

President and Executive Leader

Pastor Getahun has been serving the Kingdom for the last 30 years before he became a president at the Ethiopina Emanuel United Church. During these years of service, he was engaged in the establishment of the Ethiopian Emanuel United Church Gospel Reformation that was ignited in the mid-1980s. By the time when gospel reformation has begun in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church by the end of the 1980s, Pastor Tadesse has led a Bible Study group in Wolenchiti Town at Debere Selam Georgis Monastery along with brothers and sisters where he has contributed enormously. Letter on when the gospel reformation movement was speared across the country, monastery superiors has forced the Bible study group to leave the premises where Pastor Tadesse have continued serving in organizing, leading, and upholding the Gospel and the Word of God which he has given himself into. Especially in 1995 where the churches were greatly persecuted besides the destruction of Church properties and resistance in all spheres, his determination that he withstands the persecution together with brothers and sisters cannot be forgotten.

When the Gospel reformation movement that has been started in those days begun to have institutional formation whereas the reformation movement in Nazareth City mobilizing national outreach, Pastor Getahun used to be sent to have teaching engagements in various cities. Besides being a Pastor at Sebategna Emanuel United Church in Addis Abeba City, he has been serving in the pastoral department at the Head Office for six years before he became President.  During the General Assembly meeting which was conducted in September 2013, Pastor Getahun has been appointed to be a President of Ethiopian Emanuel United Church for his acumen contribution where he is now serving with integrity and dedication.

Pastor Getahun Tadess has received his Bachelor’s Degree from Meserete Kristos College in Theology and his Master’s Degree in Leadership from Nairobi, Pan African Christian University. Pastor Getahun is married to Mis Selamawit Admasu for the last 15 years and has given birth to two handsome boys and one beautiful girl in their marriage.